Statistics Portugal - Web Portal
Official Portal - Statistics Portugal
The thematic file Municipalities is an essential place to accede to information on a wide range of topics at the municipality level. We provide access to data for all Regional Yearbooks in a set of files; municipal files with economic, social and demographic statistical information (available only in Portuguese) and, within the STASLAB project, files with results on Income statistics at local level (available only in Portuguese) and the Asymmetry indicators at local and interregional level.

  Regional Statistical Yearbooks Socioeconomic characterization Income statistics at local level Asymmetry indicators at local and interregional level  

Income statistics at local level

In this area you may consult the results on Income statistics at the local level 2019, produced on the basis of anonymous tax data from the Tax and Customs Authority (AT) on the Individual Income Tax Settlement Note (IRS - Model 3), obtained within a protocol established between AT and Statistics Portugal.
These results are based on the values of the declared gross income of the paid IRS and the derived variable "declared gross income deducted of the taxed income by tax aggregate and taxable person" and are presented in summary sheets for municipalities with more than 2 000 taxable persons for this tax liability and for the 25 NUTS III sub-regions of the country. (Available only in Portuguese).
For more information see the Publication Estatísticas do rendimento ao nível local – Indicadores de rendimento declarado no IRS (Available only in Portuguese).

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