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Official Portal - Statistics Portugal

Slight increase in the Average Value of Bank Evaluation on Housing comparing with previous quarter
Survey on bank evaluation on housing
Slight increase in the Average Value of Bank Evaluation on Housing comparing with previous quarter - 2nd Quarter 2009
28 July 2009

In the second quarter 2009, the average value of bank evaluation on housing on the mainland attained €1,168/sq. meter, corresponding to an increase of 1.7% from last quarter and decreasing 1.5% from the same quarter in the previous year. However, this decrease in the year on year change was slightly smaller than the one observed in the previous quarter (-5.8%). The highest average value was reported, as usual, in the Algarve region: €1,429/sq. meter. In Lisboa and Porto Metropolitan Areas, the quarterly rates of change were 2.2% and 1.0% respectively.

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