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Rainfall affects harvests and productions
Agricultural forecasts
Rainfall affects harvests and productions - October 2014
19 November 2014

Early estimates, on October 31, point to a decrease in yield in olives groves (-15% compared to 2013), due to severe attacks of anthracnose and the olive fruit fly, which also damaged the quality of the olive oil obtained. The chestnut woods were also severely affected by sanitary problems, mainly by septoria, usually with little activity, but this summer’s mild temperatures and heavy rainfall made the fungus proliferate in an uncontrolled way, causing large decreases in production, which should be around 35%, compared with the previous campaign. Production decreases also occurred in kiwi (-15%, with sanitary and physiological problems), in wine (-10%, with the rains decisively affecting the quality of grape musts) and apple (-5% compared to 2013, which had the highest production of the last decade). As for the pear, the campaign was uneventful, with an expected production increase of 5%, fruits with good calibre but low degree Brix (indicator of sugar content).
Summer crops’ harvests were heavily constrained by persistent rainfall, with negative effects on the quality of the products. During the last week of September and first week of October (without any rainfall), processed tomato harvests were resumed, with about 10% of the planted area not collected. An increase in production is expected (+20% compared to 2013), solely as a result of the increase in area. Concerning maize production, it is expected to be similar to the previous year. The main worries still remain related to the economic aspects, particularly concerning the falling price of this commodity in the international markets and the increase in production costs due to grain drying.

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