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Well-being index for Portugal decreases since 2012
Well-being Index
Well-being index for Portugal decreases since 2012
04 November 2014

Statistics Portugal releases the main results of the study “Well-being index for Portugal”, carried out for the second year. This study was based on methodologies that have been developed and agreed upon by a group of international organisations, namely the OECD and Eurostat, and is implemented by several national statistical offices.
The index covers the period 2004-13. The results for 2013 are preliminary and the index is updated and released on an annual basis.
The well-being index decreased in 2012 and a continuation of this slowdown was estimated for 2013.
Of the 10 domains integrating the WBI, education, health and environment are the best performers in the period under review.
Conversely, labour and earnings, and economic vulnerability are the worst performers.
The two composite indices, material living conditions and quality of life, had opposite developments, the former following a downward trend, which became sharper from 2010 to 2013, and the latter following an upward trend, although quite limited after 2011.

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