Statistics Portugal - Web Portal
Official Portal - Statistics Portugal
  Portuguese National Accounts - ESA2010, base 2021 Portuguese National Accounts - ESA2010, base 2016 Portuguese National Accounts - ESA2010, base 2011 Portuguese National Accounts ESA1995, base 2006  
Benchmark year 2011 (ESA 2010)
In September 2014, Statistics Portugal published the first results of a new series of National Accounts, with 2011 as benchmark year. From now on, the European System of National and Regional Accounts (ESA 2010) is the new methodological reference manual for the production of National Accounts, which establishes a consistent, systematic and detailed methodology, ensuring international comparability of the results. All methodological information can be obtained in this link.

Consult an explanatory document on the calculation of GDP in ESA 2010 (only available in Portuguese): “Como se calcula o PIB”.

The implementation process of the 2011 benchmark year will necessarily span throughout a long period mainly due to the publication of satellite accounts, according to the new base of the Portuguese National Accounts, which will occur in a later stage. Therefore, in order to avoid missing information, the National Accounts ESA 1995 will still be available, temporarily, in this link.

A - Main Aggregates   D - Regional Accounts
  A.0 Main Economic Indicators     D.1 NUTS 2013 - present
  A.1 Gross Domestic Product and Components     D.2 NUTS 2002 – until 2014
  A.2 Income, Saving and Net Lending/Borrowing    
  A.3 External Balance      
  A.4 Employment      
  A.5 Goods and Services Account    
B - Institutional Sectors   E - Satellite Accounts
  B.1 Total Economy     E.1 Economic Accounts for Agriculture
  B.2 Non Financial Corporations     E.2 Economic Accounts for Forestry
  B.3 Financial Corporations     E.3 Health Satellite Account
  B.4 General Government     E.4 Environmental Accounts
  B.5 Households     E.5 Culture Satellite Account
  B.6 Non-Profit Institutions Serving Households     E.6 Sport Satellite Account
  B.7 Rest of the World     E.7 Ocean Satellite Account
        E.8 Social Economy Satellite Account
        E.9 Tourism Satellite Account
C - Tables by Industry   F - International Comparisons
  C.1 Main Aggregates - Production Side      
  C.2 Main Aggregates - Income Side      
  C.3 Gross Fixed Capital Formation   Units Classified in the General Government Sector
  C.4 Employment    
  C.5 Supply-Use Table    
  C.6 Input-Output Tables