Statistics Portugal - Web Portal
Official Portal - Statistics Portugal


Centro Region in figures - 2016
A pocket book containing statistical data for each NUTS II region of mainland Portugal, organized in over twenty subchapters grouped in four areas: territory, people, economic activity and state. The ...
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Área Metropolitana de Lisboa in figures - 2016
A pocket book (Portuguese/English) containing statistical data for each NUTS II region of mainland Portugal, organized in over twenty subchapters grouped in four areas: territory, people, economic ...
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Enterprises in Portugal - 2016
The publication Enterprises in Portugal 2016 disseminates the main statistical findings regarding the structure and evolution of the Portuguese non-financial business sector for the period 2008-2016, ...
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REVSTAT - Statistical Journal - January 2018
The aim of REVSTAT - Statistical Journal is to publish articles of high scientific content, developing innovative statistical scientific methods and introducing original research, grounded in ...
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Monthly Statistical Bulletin - December 2017
The Monthly Statistical Bulletin contains the main monthly statistical data, both quarterly and semi-annual, organised into the following chapters: Quarterly national accounts; Population and social ...
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Portugal in figures - 2016
A pocket book (Portuguese/English) containing statistical data of Portugal, organized in four different areas: territory, people, economic activity and state. Also available an interactive edition ...
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Agriculture and Fishing - January 2018
The purpose of Agriculture and fishing is to give a monthly overview for the primary sector. Basic results and findings are presented through a wide range of data, tables and pictures that give to ...
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People - 2016
A pocket book containing statistical data organized in the following areas: Population, Education, Culture, Health, Labour Market, Social Protection and Income and Living Conditions. Also available ...
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Monthly Statistical Bulletin - November 2017
The Monthly Statistical Bulletin contains the main monthly statistical data, both quarterly and semi-annual, organised into the following chapters: Quarterly national accounts; Population and social ...
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Agriculture and Fishing - December 2017
The purpose of Agriculture and fishing is to give a monthly overview for the primary sector. Basic results and findings are presented through a wide range of data, tables and pictures that give to ...
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