Statistics Portugal - Web Portal
Official Portal - Statistics Portugal


Statistical Yearbook of Centro Region - 2005
The Regional Statistical Yearbooks, which began circulating in the early nineties, can now be considered the statistical publication of reference on a regional and municipal level. The thematic ...
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Statistical Yearbook of Alentejo Region - 2005
The Regional Statistical Yearbooks, which began circulating in the early nineties, can now be considered the statistical publication of reference on a regional and municipal level. The thematic ...
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Statistical Yearbook of Algarve Region - 2005
The Regional Statistical Yearbooks, which began circulating in the early nineties, can now be considered the statistical publication of reference on a regional and municipal level. The thematic ...
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Statistical Yearbook of the Norte Region - 2005
The Regional Statistical Yearbooks, which began circulating in the early nineties, can now be considered the statistical publication of reference on a regional and municipal level. The thematic ...
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Consumer Price Index - November 2006
The Consumer Price Index is an indicator for measuring statistically the price evolution of a set of goods and services considered as representative of the consumption structure within a specific ...
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Integrated Business Accounts System - 2003 - 2004
This publication concerns the Integrated Business Accounts System (SCIE) for the period 2003-2004, and corresponds to the 9th exercise of the Accounts System. Companies are the scope for the results ...
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Farm Structure survey - 2005
Inquérito à Estrutura das Explorações Agrícolas 2005 is the first edition, after the agriculture census (RGA 99), with data related to farm structure holdings. The ...
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Farm Structure survey - 2005
Inquérito à Estrutura das Explorações Agrícolas 2005 is the first edition, after the agriculture census (RGA 99), with data related to farm structure holdings. The ...
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REVSTAT - Statistical Journal - November 2006
The aim of REVSTAT- Statistical Journal is to publish articles of high scientific content, developing innovative statistical scientific methods and introducing original research, grounded in ...
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Tourism dynamics in Porto Metropolitan Area - 1994 - 2004
The review now published was developed under the protocol of collaboration between Statistics Portugal and the Porto Metropolitan Area (GAMP). This work examines supply and demand in tourism, and ...
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