Statistics Portugal - Web Portal
Official Portal - Statistics Portugal


Statistical Yearbook of Portugal - 2007
The Statistical Yearbook of Portugal (SYP) is a comprehensive publication of statistical information and collects data from different sources, both internally and externally. It aims at providing a ...
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Monthly Statistical Bulletin - November 2008
The Monthly Statistical Bulletin contains the main monthly statistical data, both quarterly and semi-annual, organised into the following chapters: Quarterly national accounts; Population and social ...
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Agriculture, fishing and food industries - December 2008
The purpose of Boletim Mensal da Agricultura, Pescas e Agro-indústria is to give a monthly overview for the primary sector and food industry. Basic results and findings are presented through a ...
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Social Indicators - 2007
This publication provides statistical information of social nature. The information is organized in 11 thematic chapters, compiling the most significant indicators in this area, and supported by a ...
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Statistical Yearbook of the Norte Region - 2007
The thematic content of this year's edition follows the last edition, being organised in 26 sub chapters grouped into four main chapters - The Territory, The People, The Economic Activity and The ...
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Statistical Yearbook of Algarve Region - 2007
The thematic content of this year's edition follows the last edition, being organised in 26 sub chapters grouped into four main chapters - The Territory, The People, The Economic Activity and The ...
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Statistical Yearbook of Alentejo Region - 2007
The thematic content of this year's edition follows the last edition, being organised in 26 sub chapters grouped into four main chapters - The Territory, The People, The Economic Activity and The ...
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Statistical Yearbook of Centro Region - 2007
The thematic content of this year's edition follows the last edition, being organised in 26 sub chapters grouped into four main chapters - The Territory, The People, The Economic Activity and The ...
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Statistical Yearbook of the Lisboa Region - 2007
The thematic content of this year's edition follows the last edition, being organised in 26 sub chapters grouped into four main chapters - The Territory, The People, The Economic Activity and The ...
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Iberian Peninsula in figures - 2008
This publication aims at showing the situation in Portugal and Spain, with regard to a series of indicators that overall cover the major features of life in both societies. It also intends to show ...
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