Statistics Portugal - Web Portal
Official Portal - Statistics Portugal


Portugal in figures - 2008
A pocket book (Portuguese/English) in PDF format containing statistical data of Portugal, organized in four different areas: territory, the people, economic activity and the state. ...
Publication cover
REVSTAT - Statistical Journal - June 2010
The aim of REVSTAT - Statistical Journal is to publish articles of high scientific content, developing innovative statistical scientific methods and introducing original research, grounded in ...
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Agriculture and Fishing - June 2010
The purpose of Boletim mensal da agricultura e pescas is to give a monthly overview for the primary sector. Basic results and findings are presented through a wide range of data, tables and pictures ...
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Monthly Economic Survey - May 2010
The Economic Survey is a publication aimed at monitoring the economic environment. It is addressed at readers seeking reliable information on the growth trends of demand, output, income and prices. ...
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Demographic Studies Review - NÂș 47
This journal has a long tradition in the field of demographic studies in Portugal. The first number was published in 1945 and since then it became a reference in the field of demographic studies for ...
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Commercial establishments - 2008
In this publication, Statistics Portugal disseminates the main statistical findings resulting from the “Trade Establishments Survey – Large-sized Commercial Units”, for the year ...
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Fishery Statistics - 2009
The purpose of this publication is to give an overview of the fisheries, for the year 2009 as well as for some branches of national economy related to this sector. It includes data related to the ...
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Monthly Statistical Bulletin - April 2010
The Monthly Statistical Bulletin contains the main monthly statistical data, both quarterly and semi-annual, organised into the following chapters: Quarterly national accounts; Population and social ...
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Statistics Portugal: former challenges, future challenges
For the occasion of the 75th anniversary of Statistics Portugal, the publication Statistics Portugal: former challenges, future challenges brings to public a collection of statements from renowned ...
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Agriculture and Fishing - May 2010
The purpose of Boletim mensal da agricultura e pescas is to give a monthly overview for the primary sector. Basic results and findings are presented through a wide range of data, tables and pictures ...
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