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Paper Paper
Household Budget Survey - 2000
Issue year: 2002


During the year 2000, by means of direct observation of the persons concerned, it was conducted the Household Budget Survey. This statistical operation, conducted every five years, has the main objective of updating the households expenditure structure and yet, collecting data on the family living conditions. The current publication presents some differences in relation to previous editions. It exists now a greater interrelation between the analysis developed and the respective data. The results and comments are breakdown in 3 chapters - Expenditure, Income and Comfort - and the volume ends with a chapter on Methodology. Most of the data available is not published though INE may meet specific requests, under certain conditions, as long as the information required is not subjected to statistical secrecy, as mentioned in the methodological chapter.

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How to cite the document:

Instituto Nacional de Estatística - Inquérito aos Orçamentos Familiares : 2000. Lisboa : INE, 2002. Available at www: <url:>. ISSN 0872-1386