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Official Portal - Statistics Portugal

Publication cover

Paper Paper
Territorial Portrait of Portugal - 2003
Issue year: 2004
Based on the massive wealth of information contained in the Anuários Estatísticos Regionais (Regional Statistical Yearbooks), this publication presents a socio-economic characterisation of the Portuguese territory, mainly at municipality level. The chapter structure is similar to that of Regional Statistical Yearbooks, each one of them incorporating a text with the most relevant features. In comparison with the previous issue, which predominantly presented structural findings on the territory, this issue focused in particular on the characterisation of short-term evolutions in territories. The use of synthetic indicators and appealing charts and cartograms continued to be the focal point.
PDF RTPted2004.pdf (36510 Kb)

How to cite the document:

Instituto Nacional de Estatística - Territorial Portrait of Portugal : 2003. Lisboa : INE, 2004. Available at www: <url:>. ISSN 1646-0448. ISBN 972-673-757-5