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Publication cover

Paper and CD-ROM Paper and CD-ROM
Farm Structure survey - 2005
Issue year: 2006


Inquérito à Estrutura das Explorações Agrícolas 2005 is the first edition, after the agriculture census (RGA 99), with data related to farm structure holdings.
The analysis of the main findings of Farm Structure Survey 2005 (FSS 05) is supported, whenever relevant, by comparisons with RGA 99 results and regional data. The goal is to offer to users a picture of the main trends observed between 1999 and 2005.
The structure of this publication enables an easier approach of the statistical data, including brief analysis of the several themes and promoting the display of the data through graphics and maps.

A CD-ROM with survey results, concepts and methodology is also included.

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How to cite the document:

Instituto Nacional de Estatística - Inquérito à Estrutura das Explorações Agrícolas : 2005. Lisboa : INE, 2006. Available at www: <url:>. ISSN 0871-8040. ISBN 972-673-846-6