Statistics Portugal - Web Portal
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Transport and communications statistics - 2015
Issue year: 2016

In this publication Statistics Portugal disseminates the main statistical data regarding the activity of the Transport and Communications sectors in 2015.
Railway transport: data presented are the result of surveys conducted by Statistics Portugal about infrastructures and heavy and light railway transport systems.
Road transport: statistics are now disseminated covering road infrastructures, road accidents, fuel consumption, stock of vehicles presumably in circulation and sales of vehicles, as well as results from the Surveys on the Carriage of Goods by Road (ITRM) and on Road Transport of Passengers (ITRP).
Sea and inland waterways transport: the main statistical findings now presented are obtained from surveys to the port administrations and also to inland waterways transport entities.
Air transport: includes data on the activity of Portuguese air transport operators and also movements in national airports and airdromes.
Pipeline transport of oil and gas: statistics now made available are based on data provided by the enterprises operating in these sectors.
This publication also disseminates statistical data regarding international trade by modes of transport.
Communications: covers data on Telecommunications and Postal Services.
[Available an introdutory note and executive summary in english language]

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How to cite the document:

Instituto Nacional de Estatística - Estatísticas dos Transportes e Comunicações : 2015. Lisboa : INE, 2016. Available at www: <url:>. ISSN 0377-2292. ISBN 978-989-25-0369-1

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