Statistics Portugal - Web Portal
Official Portal - Statistics Portugal

Replying to the surveys conducted by Statistics Portugal is mandatory, and it may be carried out through direct interview (where applicable), by letter, fax or email. However, Statistics Portugal ...

Yes. In general terms, statistical information may undergo revisions, e.g. by incorporating replies that were not previously taken into consideration (replies sent after the deadline). This is a ...

The date of the latest information update is indicated in each table produced from the database. In parallel, whenever Statistics Portugal deems it warranted, it will place a conventional sign ...

Short Data Analyses, as they existed on the former website of Statistics Portugal, were discontinued. Statistical tables associated with press releases that roughly correspond to Short Data Analyses ...

No. The statistical information produced by Statistics Portugal is generally aimed at being released to the public. However, there are statistical operations (on the basis of which information is ...

Confidential statistical data are those data that, if released, would directly or indirectly disclose individual information, thereby breaching the privacy of the respective holders. ...

No. User registration, as well as the consultation and extraction of statistical data on the website are entirely free of charge. Only special requests for information that imply the manual ...

In general terms, the statistical information produced by Statistics Portugal is based on primary statistical operations (surveys) or secondary statistical operations. In the first case, results are ...

Replying to the surveys conducted by Statistics Portugal is mandatory. This notwithstanding, it is essential that you reply correctly and timely, because only so can high-quality timely statistical ...

Yes. In accordance with the legislation in force, replying to Statistics Portugal's surveys is mandatory. Non-compliance with this obligation may lead to the imposition of a fine resulting from an ...