Statistics Portugal - Web Portal
Official Portal - Statistics Portugal

Yes. That is the purpose underlying this functionality. At the moment of saving, you may define whether you are interested in updating data for new (more recent) periods or in accessing exactly the ...

Tables associated with a press release or publication are targeted at illustrating data disclosed in the press release or publication itself. In general terms, data released by statistics Portugal ...

In general, no. The law envisages exceptional circumstances that may enable access to confidential data, namely through the anonymisation of individual data. An example of this is the case of ...

Replies to all complaints received are given by the Quality Management Unit of Statistics Portugal, which for that purpose collects from the various units of Statistics Portugal the elements deemed ...

Statistics Portugal follows a policy of replying to suggestions within 5 business days. Some cases, given their complexity, may be replied to within a more extended deadline - in which case an alert ...

Statistical data are automatically updated through a defined in-house procedure, each indicator being updated as soon as the quality checking and control process is completed. ...

The latest statistical information produced by Statistics Portugal can be found on the Statistics Portugal's website in publications, press releases or statistical data. ...

No. Statistics Portugal also publishes information produced by entities to which it delegates powers, as well as by other entities intervening in the statistical production of the National ...

Yes. All publications issued between 1864 and 2000 may be accessed and downloaded from the Digital Library. From 2000 onwards, publications issued by Statistics Portugal may be directly accessed on ...

No. Access to the Digital Library is universal and free of charge, and does not require registration. You can print or download the various digitised publications. The use of information in ...