Statistics Portugal - Web Portal
Official Portal - Statistics Portugal

In order to have access to all statistical information produced by Statistics Portugal, with the exception of special requests for information, you may consult the Statistics Portugal's website. As ...

In general terms, no. The information produced is immediately loaded into the Statistics Portugal's website. However, there are a number of indicators that due to their complex interpretation are not ...

No. The Statistical Council is the entity of the State which, at a higher level, guides and coordinates the National Statistical System. It does not produce nor release statistical information. ...

Data are classified as confidential on the basis of legal requirements. According to the law, no data may be released allowing for the direct or indirect identification of individual information. ...

General rules are defined, which must be applied by all those integrated in the National Statistical System. The simplest rule lays down that all results relating to less than three observation units ...

Metadata correspond to a set of information to support production and to interpret the statistical information produced. This information integrates concepts, definitions, classifications and ...

Suggestions are understood to pave the way for the improvement of the quality of the products and/or services supplied by Statistics Portugal. Hence, all suggestions are analysed and forwarded to the ...

Statistics Portugal has defined customer opening hours: from 9 am to 5 pm on business days. ...

Statistics Portugal has its Head Office in Lisbon and Delegations in Oporto, Coimbra, Évora and Faro. You may look up the respective contacts on the "Contact us" page. ...

Short Data Analyses, as they formerly existed were discontinued. Statistical tables associated with press releases that roughly correspond to Short Data Analyses are loaded into the Statistics ...