Statistics Portugal - Web Portal
Official Portal - Statistics Portugal

Complaints may be submitted directly on the Statistics Portugal's website by completing an electronic form available in the (foot area) Compliments, Suggestions and Complaints - As an alternative, ...

No. Statistics Portugal has its Head Office in Lisbon and Delegations in Oporto, Coimbra, Évora and Faro. In the Autonomous Regions you may contact the Regional Statistical Office of ...

This page contains a list of relevant websites in the field of statistics, organised into national statistical institutes of other countries, national organisations, international bodies and Reviews. ...

Statistical data correspond to a component of the Statistics Portugal’s website through which users may access a wide range of statistical information supported by a dynamic database. ...

The Statistics Portugal’s website makes available an RSS service associated with the press releases it produces. Moreover, each user may register on the website, and from there subscribe to the ...

The main indicators are a series of 200 indicators considered to be the most important within each statistical area. They differ from the main tables because they cannot be accessed separately, i.e. ...

Yes. When selecting data from the main tables, you can change the result obtained in different manners: the dimensions (reference period, geographical scope or other), the table layout (swap rows and ...

The Database is an inventory of all indicators on the website for which it is possible to obtain a statistical table. Given that it is a comprehensive list, in order to support research you may ...

Territorial statistics allow the user to identify one or several territorial units (region, district, municipality, etc.) for which it is possible to select a set of indicators. Its advantage ...

User registration has important advantages, such as the possibility to receive notifications and to save tailor-made statistical tables for subsequent consultation. ...