Statistics Portugal - Web Portal
Official Portal - Statistics Portugal

Statistics on international trade of goods result from the compilation of information on intra-EU and extra-EU transactions (imports and exports), the physical movement of goods (at the border) being ...

On the website’s database, in Products>Database>Domestic trade , you can find statistical indicators showing the sector’s short-term economic trends as well as a number of ...

In the website’s Metadata System , in the ‘international trade’ theme, on the following links: Statistics on extracommunity trade ; (only available in Portuguese). Statistics on ...

In Press Releases, Statistical data , and Publications of the international trade theme. Early results (aggregate data) can be found in Press releases available on International trade press releases ...

The subscription is a request for receiving an alert whenever a specific object (Press Release, Publication, Statistical Data, etc.) of the website is updated. Once you subscribe to a specific ...

Deadlines for reply to Statistics Portugal's surveys must be complied with, given that this will determine the accomplishment with the Community regulations in force in Portugal and the production of ...

Statistics Portugal, as one of the pillars of the National Statistical System, is the main producer of official statistics. The Statistics Portugal's website contains statistical information produced ...

The Statistical Council , created by Law No 6/89 of 15 April, is the entity of the State which, at a higher level, guides and coordinates the National Statistical System. ...

Yes. You may download publications from the Digital Library free of charge. ...

Metadata can be accessed directly from any table or indicator in the database, by clicking on the Md image near the title of the indicator or the table. More generally, you may access them from the ...