Statistics Portugal - Web Portal
Official Portal - Statistics Portugal

In the metadata area you should go to the Classifications option and choose, for example, to browse by theme, as well as the required classification. The ‘more info’ option allows you to ...

Choose the methodological documentation option, for example search by theme. After identifying the methodological document of your interest, you can download the file in PDF format or choose the ...

For a better interpretation and analysis of the potential of the information produced you can browse the Methodological Documentation on the website’s Metadata area. In the ‘Short-term ...

You can find information on short-term economic trends by analysing the information released on a monthly and quarterly basis in Press Releases or Publications, and through the indicators available ...

Statistics Portugal releases data on the official statistics website – – as soon as they are available. The main results of statistical operations or studies are usually ...

We do not have information on enterprises selling a specific product. We have information on enterprises importing or exporting a specific product defined in the applicable classifications of ...

Yes, you can find lists and rankings of companies reporting international trade operations under the terms and with the variables set out in our price list . This is customised information that is ...

International trade data are updated monthly, around 40 days after the end of the reference month, and the data from the past 4 months is revised, The release of the preliminary data of Year N, ...

Statistics Portugal issues periodical multi-thematic publications containing the main domestic and regional results for statistical operations on the website’s publications area, namely: ...

No. In general, the purpose of statistical information produced by Statistics Portugal is to be publicly released, its main results being disclosed on the website in Press Releases, statistical data, ...