Statistics Portugal - Web Portal
Official Portal - Statistics Portugal

In the Labour Force Survey a part-time worker is a worker whose working hours are fewer than the normal duration of work in force in the enterprise/institution, for the respective professional ...

Part-time underemployment covers all those classified as employed who comply with the requirements of said concept, regardless of the status in employment (self-employed worker, employee, or unpaid ...

The calculation of a number of indicators is based on a categorisation of the population as regards activity status. One of these indicators is the unemployment rate, which makes it possible to ...

The main purpose of the Labour Force Survey is to produce estimates on the population in relation to the labour market and provide the official unemployment rate. This survey is developed under ...

Eurostat has no statistical operation for collecting data. Each Member State is responsible for implementing the Labour Force Survey (LFS) and collecting data on the labour market, in accordance with ...

The Labour Force Survey (LFS) is a quarterly sample survey to resident households in Portugal. As it is a survey based on a population sample, it resorts to statistical inference to obtain values for ...

The current concepts underlying the valuation of National Accounts include the following: - Current prices (nominal): quantities traded in year t are valued at that year’s prices, reflecting ...

The reference documents for National Accounts Base 2011 follow the requirements of the European System of Accounts – ESA 2010 and can be found on the website, in the National Accounts area, on ...

Currently, in annual National Accounts Base 2011 the general breakdown of economic activities for the main economic indicators (GVA, Compensations, Gross Operating Surplus/Mixed Income, and ...

The labour force concept does not establish a maximum age limit, although one of its components (unemployed population) has a limit of 74 years. Labour force : population aged 15 years and over who ...