Statistics Portugal - Web Portal
Official Portal - Statistics Portugal

The main results of national and regional accounts can be found in Press Releases , for example: As well as in other press releases within the theme, such as those associated with the publication of ...

According to the concepts in force in the Labour Force Survey (LFS) at the national and European level, work is understood to be any activity carried out in a pre-defined and well specified period, ...

The existing differences are due to the fact that these are distinct statistical operations: Annual Estimates of the Resident Population and Labour Force Survey (LFS). Information on total population ...

At that level of detail, the focus is on GDP components computed with the production approach through GVA (Gross Value Added) by industry. Hence, you can find the contribution from each economic ...

The main economic indicators computed within the scope of National Accounts are released with annual and quarterly reference periods on the Statistics Portugal’s website, in the National ...

When a person has more than one job/work, the choice of the main job is left to the judgement of the interviewed person him/herself. In case of doubt, the main job should be considered that where ...

The monthly release of employment and unemployment estimates is mainly targeted at providing users with information that is updated on a monthly basis on labour market developments. At the same time, ...

Based on the Labour Force Survey (LFS), you can find monthly, quarterly, and annual information through the different release instruments available on the official statistics website ( ). ...

All data collected through the Labour Force Survey (LFS) can be crossed. However, their release will always depend on prior assessment of compliance with the quality criteria deemed acceptable for ...

The monthly average net wage of employees is a weighted average taking into account the employee’s answer to the question on income from the main activity, the respective weight associated to ...