Statistics Portugal - Web Portal
Official Portal - Statistics Portugal


Does Statistics Portugal publish data on air quality?


Yes, on the Statistics Portugal Portal there are available products that contain information on air quality, highlighting:


·         Annual publication Environment Statistics, which integrates a sub-chapter entitled “Air Quality” and is available in Products> Publications> Theme: Environment.

It contains an evolutionary analysis that includes information on the Air Quality Index, ground-level ozone, inhalable particles, ground-level ozone precursors, and acidifying and eutrophic substances.


It should be noted that the set of publications, with content analysis, is available in PDF, which is complemented with information tables in XLSX and CSV.

In the publication menu, the “Previous editions” option allows access to previous titles.


·         Database> Theme: Environment> Subtheme: Air and Climate, where several indicators are available, including:


o   Air Quality Index (Day) by Geographical Location and Quality Classes; Annual (disaggregated at Zone/agglomeration level).


o   Emission of acidifying and eutrophic substances (Kyoto Protocol, 2nd stage — kt acideq) by Substance Type and Emission Sector; Annual (disaggregated at NUTS level Portugal).

It should be noted that, in the Database, the tables of the selected indicators show, by default, the most recent and aggregated information. However, they can be changed through the option “Change selection conditions” to obtain finer breakdowns concerning the dimensions of indicators, where applicable, and/or other reporting periods.