Statistics Portugal - Web Portal
Official Portal - Statistics Portugal


Does the information on Justice available on the website refer only to the latest data or can I find longer time series?


Time series seek to ensure long periods. However, the start of the different series varies depending on the indicator, the available information, and the need for a break in the series due to methodological adjustments in the collection and treatment of information.

You can find the most recent and also the least recent data on the website:
– For the most recent data: ‘Produts/ Statistical data / Database / Theme: Crime and criminal justice‘: under the ‘Change selection conditions’ option please check how you can change the ‘Reference period’ of data, by selecting the years of your interest.
– For the least recent data: ‘Produts/  Digital Library’, ‘Population and social conditions’ (theme), ‘Justice’ (sub-theme) – various headings (only available in Portuguese).