Statistics Portugal - Web Portal
Official Portal - Statistics Portugal


Portugal demographic (dis)continuities in 2011 : North and Central coastal Regions
Maria Cristina Sousa Gomes > Demographic Studies Review > INE, 2013, p. 139 - 168

Portugal demographic (dis)continuities in 2011 : North and Inner Central Regions
Maria João Guardado Moreira > Demographic Studies Review > INE, 2013, p. 169 - 206

South: How many are we? Where do we live?
Maria Filomena Mendes , Maria da Graça Magalhães   > Demographic Studies Review > INE, 2013, p. 107 - 138

The Islands of the Azores and Madeira: population in 2011
Gilberta Pavão Nunes Rocha > Demographic Studies Review > INE, 2013, p. 85 - 105

Reconciliation between work and family life : Labour Force Survey 2010 ad hoc module
Ana Neves , Francisco Lima > Employment Statistics - 3rd Quarter 2011 > INE, 2011, p. 34 - 50

Transition from school to the labour market: length of the first job search
Francisco Lima , Susana Neves > Employment Statistics - 2nd Quarter 2010 > INE, 2010, p. 36 - 42

Unemployment supplementary indicators : three new indicators made available by Statistics Portugal
Sónia Torres > Employment Statistics - 2nd Quarter 2012 > INE, 2012, p. 34 - 47

The employment of disabled people : data from the 2011 Labour Force Survey ad hoc module
Eduarda Góis , Cristina Gonçalves , Francisco Lima > Employment Statistics - 3rd Quarter 2012 > INE, 2012, p. 34 - 55

Volunteer Work Survey 2012
Ana Cristina Ramos , Maria José Correia , Eduardo Pedroso > Employment Statistics - 1st Quarter 2013 > INE, 2013, p. 35 - 47

Transition from work to retirement : Labour Force Survey 2012 ad hoc module
Ana Neves , Maria Jesus Espinho > Employment Statistics - 2nd Quarter 2013 > INE, 2013, p. 35 - 51