Statistics Portugal - Web Portal
Official Portal - Statistics Portugal


Remarriage: contemporary tendencies
Cristina Lobo Isabel Tiago de Oliveira , Ana Cristina Ferreira   , Madalena Ramos > Demographic Studies Review > INE, p. 31 - 59


This research on remarriage in Portugal is based in the official data between 2001 and 2005. This analysis shows some patterns: - remarriage rates from widows and divorced persons are declining, but there is an increase in the percentage of remarriages within the overall amount of marriages caused by compositional effects; - divorced people, in spite of gender and age, have a greater propensity to remarry than widowed persons;
- both divorced men and widowed men tend to remarry more often than women; - youngsters have a greater propensity to remarry than older people.
A multivariate approach was done using multiple correspondence analysis and clusters analysis. This study reveals an important endogamy: the unions tend to happen between spouses with the same characteristics in age and educational attainment.

key words: marriage, remarriage, family.

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