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Foreign population overview in the European Union member states (composition by citizenship)
Humberto Moreira > Demographic Studies Review > INE, p. 19 - 78


In the previous number of Demographic Studies Review (DSR), it is published the article entitled European Union: a space shared by different populations. In which it is described the demographic and territorial evolution of EU and the relevance every time bigger of the immigration, with the consequent increase of the foreign resident population. Though, in generality, this situation happens with bigger emphasis in the most developed member-states. In accordance with the introductory summary of this article, the current number of the DSR continues the study on the resident foreigners in the European Union, with a more detailed analysis of this demographic subject at the individual level of the 27 member-states.
The statistical data used for the analysis of the structure of the resident population by citizenship, on account of availability, do not refer to an only year of reference, but to a period situated between 1999 (France) and 2006 (Portugal). For a better observation of the national and no-national components of the resident population, it is presented by member-state the respective frequencies with absolute and relative values. For the no-national residents, in each one of the current 27 member-states, it was established a ranking of the most expressive nationalities and the concerning proportion in the foreign resident community.

key words: official statistics, national citizens, foreign citizens, population structure, country of citizenship, proportion of non-nationals.

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