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The power of the statistics and the statistics of the power. Notes on the contribution of António de Almeida Garrett for the population studies in Portugal
Rosalina Costa > Demographic Studies Review > INE, p. 81 - 94


This paper presents the results of a first approach into the work of António de Almeida Garrett (1884-1961), particularly the essay «The Problems of Natality», published in twenty articles in the Revista do Centro de Estudos Demográficos (Review of the Demographic Studies Centre, edited by Statistics Portugal) between 1945 and 1955.
After put in context the author in the course of the scientific production of demography in Portugal, and present the analysed set of texts, we synthesize the contribution of António de Almeida Garrett, and this essay in particular, to the history of the population studies and demography in Portugal, as well as to the study of the Revista do Centro de Estudos Demográficos, and the historical conditions of the scientific production to which demography, as any other science, is subjected to.

key words: António de Almeida Garrett; population studies; history of demography; Revista do Centro de Estudos Demográficos; natality.

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