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The Demographic Studies Review ¿ historical perspective
Maria José Carrilho > Demographic Studies Review 2017, p. 95 - 154


The Demographic Centre Studies Review was first published in 1945, to accomplish the mission assigned to the Demographic Studies Centre, a research body attached to Statistics Portugal. Its path through the decades has been challenging and characterized by a permanent search of good quality original articles. Following a 10-year interruption, it was subject to a major overhaul in 2002 and began to be published every six months under the new designation Demographic Studies Review.
The present article analyses the production process of the Review and its contents. The 55 issues published so far include 270 articles, with Population Dynamics being the most frequently analysed theme, followed by Mortality and Health, Methodology and Migrations. The least
frequent topics are those related to Youth, as well as Nuptiality and Conjugality. The population and housing censuses conducted by Statistics Portugal have been the major sources of data for these studies.

Keywords: Demographic Studies Review; demography; population studies; themes of demographic analysis;
sources of data

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