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Official Portal - Statistics Portugal

Bank appraisals on housing increased 6 Euros to 1,536 Euros per square meter
Survey on bank evaluation on housing
Bank appraisals on housing increased 6 Euros to 1,536 Euros per square meter - December 2023
29 January 2024


The median value of bank appraisals on housing reached €1,536 per square meter in December 2023, €6 more than in the previous month (an increase of 0.4%). On a year-on-year basis, the rate of change stood at 5.3% (5.6% in November 2023). It should be noticed that the number of bank appraisals increased by 0.8% compared to the previous period to around 29.5 thousand, 21.8% more than reported in the same period of the previous year.

In 2023, the median value of bank appraisals was €1,521 per square meter, up by 8.6% when compared with the result observed in the previous year.

This press release marks the beginning of the publication of Bank Assessment data according to the new Nomenclature of Territorial Units for Statistics NUTS 2024. The data published in this series began in January 2011. The previous series (NUTS 2013) ceased to be produced in November 2023.

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