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High and medium-high technology manufacturing. What is their relative importance?
Enterprises in Portugal
High and Medium High-Technology Sectors
High and medium-high technology manufacturing. What is their relative importance? - 2021
28 March 2023


In 2021, the High and medium-High technology manufacturing represented 0.9% of the number of non-financial companies, 6.7% of turnover and 5.8% of total gross value added (GVA) (10.4%, 27.5% and 23.9% in Manufacturing, respectively). The persons employed in these sectors amounted to more than 133 thousand people, about 4.0% of the total non-financial companies and 19.1% of the Manufacturing.

In the same year, the High technology manufacturing represented 11.9% of the number of companies, 17.5% of the persons employed, 16.0% of the turnover and 19.5% of the GVA generated by the High and medium high technology manufacturing.

The companies in the High and medium-High technology manufacturing employed better paid human resources, paying, on average, EUR 4,673 more per year than the companies in the Low and medium-Low technology manufacturing, as well as having an apparent labour productivity 1.3 times higher than these companies.

These manufacturing invested more in research and development (R&D), around EUR 17.9 thousand per company in 2021, which compares with EUR 1.9 thousand per company in the Low and medium-Low technology manufacturing, and they also concentrated a higher proportion of companies with an exporting profile and high growth companies.

In 2021, 28.2% of the companies in the High and medium-High technology manufacturing were young, i.e., they were 5 years old or less, +2.4 p.p. compared with the Low and medium-Low technology manufacturing, highlighting the High technology manufacturing with 40.0% of young companies.

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