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Official Portal - Statistics Portugal

Gross Domestic Product up by 1.8%
Quarterly national accounts
Gross Domestic Product up by 1.8% - 3rd Quarter 2007
07 December 2007

In the 3rd quarter 2007, Gross Domestic Product grew 1.8% in real terms compared to the same period of the previous year, decelerating from the precedent quarter (1.9%). This deceleration was associated to a lower contribution to GDP growth of net external demand, which stood at ¿0.1 percentage points (p.p.) in the 3rd quarter (0.8 p.p. in the previous quarter). On the contrary, domestic demand presented a higher contribution to GDP growth (1.0 p.p. and 1.9 p.p. in the second and third quarters, respectively), boosted by Investment. Compared to the 2nd quarter 2007, the rate of change on Portuguese GDP was 0.0% in volume.
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