Statistics Portugal - Web Portal
Official Portal - Statistics Portugal

Bank appraisals on housing increased to 1,510 euros per square meter
Survey on bank evaluation on housing
Bank appraisals on housing increased to 1,510 euros per square meter - May 2023
26 June 2023


The median value of bank appraisals on housing reached €1,510 per square meter in May 2023, €19 more than in the previous month (an increase of 1.3%). On a year-on-year basis, the rate of change stood at 9.4% (10.0% in April 2023). It should be noticed that the number of bank appraisals reported in the current period rose to around 23.3 thousand, 29.6% less than reported in the same period of the previous year, also the month where it achieved its maximum observations.

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