Statistics Portugal - Web Portal
Official Portal - Statistics Portugal

Decrease in the Average Value of Bank Evaluation on Housing comparing with previous quarter. Slight increase on year-on-year terms
Survey on bank evaluation on housing
Decrease in the Average Value of Bank Evaluation on Housing comparing with previous quarter. Slight increase on year-on-year terms - 4th Quarter 2009
28 January 2010

In the fourth quarter 2009, the average value of bank evaluation on housing on the mainland attained
€1,154/sq. meter, decreasing 0.9% from last quarter and increasing 0.2% from the same quarter of the previous year. In Lisboa and Porto Metropolitan Areas, the quarterly rates of change were -1.2% and -1.0% respectively.
In the year 2009, the average value of bank evaluation on housing, decreased 2.6%, from 2008.

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