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Business confidence recovers in every sector except trade. Consumer confidence eases
Business and consumer surveys
Business confidence recovers in every sector except trade. Consumer confidence eases - May 2007
04 June 2007

In May the Business Climate Indicator posted the fourth consecutive improvement, maintaining the upward trend started in October 2005, which was more marked after June 2006. This was the best result since mid-2002.
The confidence indicator in manufacturing industry recorded its fifth improvement in a row, to stand at its best level since March 2001. In services the indicator continued the upward trend started in August 2005, reaching one of the best values in the series. Construction and public works, in turn, got less deteriorated again, extending the upward trend started in January and reaching a maximum since August 2005. In trade, the confidence indicator deteriorated slightly in May, interrupting the upward trend observed over the last three months. This deterioration was determined by retail trade, whereas wholesale trade recovered for the fourth consecutive month.
In May the Consumer Confidence Indicator improved slightly, discontinuing the downward trend started in November.
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