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Business confidence improves in Construction, stabilizes in Manufacturing Industry and declines in Trade and Services. Consumer confidence gets slightly better
Business and consumer surveys
Business confidence improves in Construction, stabilizes in Manufacturing Industry and declines in Trade and Services. Consumer confidence gets slightly better - June 2007
03 July 2007

In June, the Climate Indicator  presented the fifth consecutive improvement, continuing the upward trend started in October 2005 and reaching the maximum since June 2002.
In Construction and Public Works, the confidence indicator extended the upward trend begun in January, attaining one of the best values of the last four years. In Manufacturing Industry, the confidence indicator stabilized in June, in the highest value since March 2001, interrupting the upward trend initiated in June 2006. In Services, this indicator had a slight deterioration in June, suspending the upward trend started in August 2005. In Trade, the confidence indicator got slightly worse in the last two months, contradicting the upward movement of the three former months. This deterioration was observed in both retail trade and wholesale, however more intensely in the second case.
The Consumer confidence indicator recovered slightly in the last two months, discontinuing the downward trend observed since November.
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