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Good outlook for the fruit campaign
Agricultural forecasts
Good outlook for the fruit campaign - July 2021
18 August 2021


Early estimates, on July 31, point to a yield increase of the orchards. In pome fruits, the highlights goes to the increases in apple (+15%) and pear (+40%), recovering to yield levels above the average of the last five years. It should be noted that, given the mild temperatures and low radiation in the main producing regions, the fruits are showing a sugar content lower than usual. In stone fruits, it is expected a 20% increase in peach yield, compared to the previous campaign. In almonds, and benefiting from the entry into full production of the new orchards, yield is also expected to rise 20%, to more than 0.7 tons per hectare, the highest value in the last two decades. As for vineyards, it is projected a similar to the previous year yield in wine grapes and a 5% increase in table grapes.
In summer crops, the sown area of grain maize is expected to be identical to the previous year, despite the increase in the price of this commodity in international markets. The tomatoes for processing harvest began in the last week of July and the first indications point to historically high yields (above 98 tons per hectare). In rice, difficulties continue to be felt in controlling weeds, with an impact on the expected yield (5.4 tons per hectare, -4% compared to the average of the last five years). Irrigated potatoes should reduce productivity by 5% compared to the previous campaign.
As for winter cereals, with the harvests quite advanced, the scenarios are of a generalized decrease in production, essentially due to the low levels of soil moisture in the grain filling stage. Production should decrease 15% in durum wheat, triticale and oats, 10% in common wheat and barley and 5% in rye.

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