Statistics Portugal - Web Portal
Official Portal - Statistics Portugal

COVID-19: monitoring the impact of the pandemic on enterprises
Fast and Exceptional Enterprise Survey - COVID-19
COVID-19: monitoring the impact of the pandemic on enterprises -
21 April 2020


The results of the 2nd reporting week (week from 13 to 17 April 2020) confirm the developments due to the pandemic identified in the previous week. The percentage of respondent enterprises reporting that the pandemic led to a decrease in turnover remained high (80%, same proportion as in the previous week). This reduction was more than 50% in a large proportion of the responding enterprises (39%). As factors with much impact on the reduction in turnover, the absence of orders/clients and the restrictions in the context of the state of emergency were most frequently mentioned by enterprises.
60% of the enterprises reported reductions in the persons employed effectively working and 25% reported a reduction of more than 50%. Compared to the previous week, there was a stabilisation in the percentage of enterprises that reported a reduction in the persons employed, but a higher proportion of enterprises using the simplified layoff (51% compared to 48% in the previous week).
Micro enterprises and enterprises in the Accommodation and food services sector reported more frequent reductions of more than 75% in both turnover and persons employed.
A new survey question reveals the extent to which enterprises have adapted their activity as a result of the pandemic, with almost 30% of responding enterprises referring to diversification or modification of production and 21% referring to changing or strengthening distribution channels.

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