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Official Portal - Statistics Portugal

Reconciliation between work and family life
Labour Force Survey ad hoc module
Reconciliation between work and family life
07 November 2018


In the 2nd quarter of 2018, Statistics Portugal carried out, together with the Labour Force Survey, the ad hoc module on reconciliation between work and family life targeted at the population aged 18 to 64. Among the main findings of this module are the following:
• 34.0% of respondents had care responsibilities (of children under the age of 15 and incapacitated relatives aged 15 and over).
• 49.0% of respondents who regularly care for children under the age of 15 did not use childcare services, mainly because care was provided by themselves or together with their spouse (38.7%).
• 84.3% of employed people who regularly care for children under the age of 15 stated that parental responsibilities had no effect on their current professional activity.
• 55.9% of employees with parental responsibilities claimed that it is generally possible to change their daily work schedule to provide care, but for 58.5% it is rarely possible or not possible to take whole days off for care.
• 22.4% of caregivers reported having obstacles in their work that restrict their reconciliation with family life, the biggest of which is the unpredictable or difficult work schedules (6.8%).
• 24.5% of respondents have already interrupted their professional activity to care for children under the age of 15, of whom 70.6% were absent from work for up to 6 months and 84.1% were women.
• 30.4% of the interviewees who interrupted their professional activity to care for children under the age of 15 did so without taking any parental leave (initial or extended).

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