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Official Portal - Statistics Portugal

Turnover value from enterprises operating in the transport sector increased
Transport and Communication Statistics
Turnover value from enterprises operating in the transport sector increased - 2014
09 November 2015


The turnover from enterprises operating within the transport sector ascended to EUR 10.8 billion in 2014, and recorded a 3.7% increase (+1.6% in 2013).
In railway transport there were increases both in the number of passengers (+1.8%, a total of 128.3 million) and in freight (+10.9%, 10.3 million tons).
Considering road transport, goods transported (146.0 million tons) in heavy vehicles decreased 0.9%. Passengers road transport also had reductions (-13.0%).
The movement of goods in national ports ascended to 80.7 million tons (+3.2%), below the previous year (+15.1%).
Traffic in inland waterways accounted for 18.4 million passengers (-0.4%) and 257.9 thousand passenger cars (-5.0%).
In 2014, a significant increase in passengers in air transport occurred both in transport provided by Portuguese air companies (+6.7%) and in the movement of passengers in national airports (+9.4%).
Concerning communications, the emphasis went to the evolution of voice call traffic origin in mobile network (+10.2%) and television service subscribers (+5.7%), which accounted for 3.4 million.

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