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A positive outlook for quantity and quality of the current vineyard campaing. winter cereals production falling short of expectations
Agricultural forecasts
A positive outlook for quantity and quality of the current vineyard campaing. winter cereals production falling short of expectations - July 2015
19 August 2015


Early estimates on July 31 point to a decrease of the winter cereals production, against previous expectations that pointing out to an increase of their yields. Oats and rye (with production cuts of around 5% and 10%, vis-a-vis the previous year) were the crops most resented of unfavorable weather conditions. The malting barley, despite having increased its production (+ 5%), presents quality problems.
In irrigated potato fields, it is foreseen a decrease in yield by 5%, which still exceeds by 13% the average yield of the last five years. Upland plantations due to lack of water on the growing season, show decreases in their yields in about 20% compared to 2014.
Early varieties of processing tomato are already being harvested. Current estimates point to significant increases, with their yields returning to values above 90 tons per hectare.
In fruit, it is expected increases on yield for apple (+ 20%) and peach (+ 5%), reaching high records. As for the pear, the plentiful drop production after fruit set should determine a reduction in yield of around 20%.
The vineyards should observe an overall increase in yield of 8% for wine grape and 10% for table grapes.

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