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The trade balance deficit of agriculture and agro-food products (EUR -3,200 million) decreased by EUR 465 million
Agricultural statistics
The trade balance deficit of agriculture and agro-food products (EUR -3,200 million) decreased by EUR 465 million - 2014
21 July 2015


The 2013/2014 agricultural year showed increases in production in winter cereals, potatoes, vegetables and some fruits. On the other hand, the olive oil production decreased significantly (-33.5%). Animal production recorded increases in the main productions (pig and poultry meat, eggs and milk).
The output price index of agricultural goods decreased by 6.0% and the price index of goods and services currently consumed in agriculture decreased by 2.4%.
The Gross Value Added of agriculture decreased 3.2%, in nominal terms. For this evolution contributed the negative change rate of Agricultural output (-3.5%) attenuated by the more intense reduction in Intermediate consumption (-3.7%). In real terms, Gross Value Added increased by 3.2%.
The trade balance deficit of agriculture and agro-food products in 2014 (EUR -3,200 million) decreased by EUR 465 million, when compared to the previous year.
In 2014 each national resident consumed, on  average, 108 kg of meat, 78 litres of milk, 43 kg of dairy products, 130 kg of winter cereals, 16 kg of rice and 111 kg of fruits.

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