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Official Portal - Statistics Portugal

Significant increase of the cherry yield
Agricultural forecasts
Significant increase of the cherry yield - May 2015
18 June 2015

Early estimates on May 31 point to a decrease in grain maize surface, which might stay below 100 thousand hectares, reflecting the drop in price of this commodity in the international market.  A decrease of potato areas is also expected, being once more the low price paid to producers the main reason for this situation. On the contrary, estimates point to increases on processed tomato (+10%) and sunflower (+15%). As for the winter cereals, despite the hot and dry weather having hastened their maturation, it is expected an overall increase in yields (+5% in wheat and barley, +10% in triticale and oats). Concerning orchards, a significant yield increase is expected in cherry (+60% vis-à-vis 2014). Peach is also expected to increase its yield (+5%), so that this campaign, like the previous one, will likely be one of the best in recent years.

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