Statistics Portugal - Web Portal
Official Portal - Statistics Portugal

Rains at the end of the growing cycle hampers Winter cereals production
Agricultural forecasts
Rains at the end of the growing cycle hampers Winter cereals production - July 2014
20 August 2014

Early estimates on July 31 point to a campaign with a cereal productions fall short of expected, although higher than last year, mainly due to high rainfall and moisture observed at the end of the growing cycle that hampered production and grain quality.
The production of potato has been good and with quality (tubers with good sizes and absence of health problems). The market is stocked which has led to difficulties in selling.
Outlooks for fruit trees are encouraging, foreseeing good yields in the orchards of pome and stone fruits. On the other hand, in vineyard it is anticipated an overall decrease in yields for most of the wine regions. The reduction should be around 6%.
The campaign of spring crops runs smoothly, despite some delay in its growing cycle. We highlight the campaign for the processing tomato, which shows good prospects, with an expected yield next 85 tones by hectare (10% higher than in 2013).

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