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High productions for maize and processed tomato, bad perspectives for olive groves
Agricultural forecasts
High productions for maize and processed tomato, bad perspectives for olive groves - October 2012
20 November 2012

Early estimates on October 31 point to another good campaign for maize production, surpassing 800 thousand tons, for the second year in a row. Similarly, on processing tomato, a new yield record of 93 tons per hectare was achieved. In a year strongly marked by extreme drought, stress should be laid on the very positive results shown by spring crops which reinforces the importance of irrigation in the future of national agriculture, at a time when the financial supports for this sector are not assured in the CAP reform negotiations. In wine production, forecasts show a slight increase, with good quality.  A sharp decline in the yield of olive groves for oil was recorded, for the first time in the last five years, particularly in the rainfed ones, severely affected by the drought conditions that occurred during its production cycle. Breaks on fresh fruits are also expected, namely on pear (-50%) and apple (-25%). Another bad year is foreseen for sweet chestnut production, even worse than in 2011. It should also be noted that the rainfall occurred in October allowed the relief of the drought conditions, without, however, causing major disruptions in preparing the soil for the installation of winter crops.

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