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Official Portal - Statistics Portugal

Gross Domestic Product up by 0.9% in the 1st  Quarter 2008
Quarterly national accounts
Gross Domestic Product up by 0.9% in the 1st Quarter 2008 - 1st Quarter 2008
09 June 2008

In the 1st quarter 2008, Gross Domestic Product increased by 0.9%, decelerating from the precedent quarter (1.8%). This deceleration was associated with domestic demand evolution, whose contribute to GDP growth rate stood at 2.4 percentage points (p.p.) in the 1st quarter 2008 (3.2 p.p. in the previous quarter), mainly determined by the drop of Investment but also reflecting significant calendar effects (3 more working days in the 4th quarter 2007 and one less working day in the 1st quarter 2008). The contribution of net external demand to GDP growth was  1.4 p.p. in the 1st quarter 2008 (the same result as in the previous quarter), with a deceleration of Exports and Imports of Goods and Service
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