Statistics Portugal - Web Portal
Official Portal - Statistics Portugal

Gross Domestic Product diminished 1.7% in real terms
Quarterly national accounts
Gross Domestic Product diminished 1.7% in real terms - 3rd Quarter 2011
09 December 2011

In the 3rd quarter 2011, GDP diminished 1.7%, in real terms, compared with the same period of 2010 (change rate of  1.0% in the previous quarter). The negative change rate of GDP was determined by the strong negative contribution of Domestic Demand, attaining -5.0 percentage points, p.p. (-5.5 p.p. in the 2nd quarter). The contribution of net external demand for the GDP change rate remained positive (3.3 p.p.), but lower than the observed in the previous quarter (4.6 p.p.).
Compared with the 2nd quarter 2011, Portuguese GDP recorded a change rate of -0.6% (-0.2% in the previous quarter).

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