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Official Portal - Statistics Portugal

Record productions in processed tomato and apple
Agricultural forecasts
Record productions in processed tomato and apple - October 2015
18 November 2015


Early estimates on October 31 point to an increase in yield in olives groves (+25% in olives for oil production and +15% in table olives, compared to 2014), with the recent rainfall promoting the increase of olive size in non-irrigated olive groves. Wine production also benefited from the first autumn rains (+ 10% than the previous harvest, with quality musts), as well as chestnuts, which should recover from a poor 2014 campaign, reaching a production of 24 thousand tons. In the main pome fruits, the campaign went differently: in apple, for the first time over the last three decades, the production goes beyond 300,000 tons; by contrast, in pears, adverse weather conditions and disease problems conditioned the fruit development, causing a 30% decrease in production comparing with the previous year. The 5% increase in kiwi was below expectations, reflecting the damages caused by hard rainfall and strong winds in the floral bud stage.
As for non-perennial crops, the emphasis should be given to the record production of processed tomato (1.7 million tons) and for the fourth consecutive year of sunflower production increase (21 thousand tons). On the other hand, the maize production should be around the 713 thousand tons (-21% vis-a-vis 2014), with this decrease mainly due to the significant reduction in the sown area.

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