SDG indicators for Portugal, 2021

9 Source: Statistics Portugal (SDG 9.1.2, SDG 9.2.1, SDG 9.4.1, SDG 9.5.1, SDG 9.b.1) ; Eurostat (nama_10_a10, nama_10_gdp, env_ac_ainah_r2 , rd_e_gerdtot) . Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation Passenger transport (10 6 passenger-km) 2019 Goods transport (10 6 t-km) 45,153 7,941 4,964 537 31,087 2,478 Manufacturing value added as a proportion of GDP 2020 Pe 15.0% -0.2 pp than in 2019 12.2% = 2019 0.27 -20.3% than in 2010 0.30 -8.0% than in 2010 CO 2 emissions per unit of value added (Kg CO 2 / €) 2018 Proportion of gross expenditure on research and development (GERD) in GDP 2.20% +0.02 pp than in 2018 1.40% +0.05 pp than in 2018 Proportion of GVA of high and medium-high technology manufacturing industries in manufacturing industries GVA 24.0% 2019 +1.3 pp than in 2018 2019 Po