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 Production of electric energy using renewable sources with new technologies or not very disseminated technologies in national territory (MW)
Characteristic Description
Name Production of electric energy using renewable sources with new technologies or not very disseminated technologies in national territory (MW) by Geographic localization (NUTS - 2013) and Types of renewable sources of energy not very disseminated; Annual
Regularity Annual
Source DGEG, Statistics on coal, oil, electric power and natural gas
First available period 2011
Last available period 2021
  • Data reference period
  • Geographic localization (NUTS - 2013)
  • Types of renewable sources of energy not very disseminated
  • RENEWABLE ENERGY SOURCE:  Non-fossil and non-mineral energy source, renewable from natural cycles.
  • REFERENCE PERIOD:  Period to which the information refers and which may be a specific day or a time interval (month, fiscal year, calendar year, among others).
  • ELECTRICITY PRODUCED FROM RENEWABLE ENERGY SOURCES:  Electricity produced by plants using exclusively renewable energy sources, as well as the share of electricity produced from renewable energy sources in hybrid plants which also use conventional energy sources, including renewable electricity used to fill storage systems and excluding the electricity produced as a result of storage systems.
Definition Installed capacity on Biomass, Oceans, Geothermal, Offshore Wind, Photovoltaic Solar Concentration and Concentrated Solar Power technologies
Formule Sum (Installed capacity for production of electricity using renewable energy sources with new technologies or not very disseminated technologies)
Measure unit (symbol) MegaWatt (MW)
Power of 10  0
Observations Calculation based on installed capacity
Last update date 22/06/2023

information presented in 11/12/2024